
Turns plain svg files into 3D printable type for use in Letter Press Machines

Check out Provisional Press for a low-cost excellent-quality press. Looking for SVGs? Check out The Noun Project or make your own using Inkscape.

Current Limitations: Only SVG files are supported. Only paths are processed. All other non-path elements (text, rectangles, lines) are ignored.

Image uploader

Drag & Drop SVG inside dashed region

Upload SVG to start

Scaling and height of the Final 3D block depends on the width and height of the SVG. Some SVGs are small (<100px) while others can be very large (>1000px). SVGs are generally unitless, but ultimately converted to millimeters.

Neck Height is the height of the SVG paths. This is typically set to 2mm. This value is multiplied by the scale. For larger SVGs, this value automatically scales to keep a consistent ratio. Should be left alone for the most part.

Set scale

Set wall widths. Wall widths are based off percentages of the overall height and width generated above. Typical setting is between 0.6% and 1% of the total width.

Set feet cut outs. This creates the notch at the bottom of the of the type. The height of the cutout is set using a very small percentage. Typically less than 0.2%.

Value between 10% and 30%
Value between 10% and 30%
Value betwen 0.6 and 1

Click the button below to create block or edit advanced settings before continuing.

Please refresh page to update settings or create new project after 3D model appears.

Comments, Complaints, Suggestions? Want the STL? Drop me a line at